March 2022
Articles in this Issue
World leaders in water management
How does Israel manage to export water when the country has an arid to semi-arid climate? Fresh Quarterly learns more…
What do about half the people and half the crops on earth have in common? Their survival depends on groundwater.…
New study on water needs of pears
Good news for the pear industry – a project to quantify the water requirements of high-performing pear orchards has been…
Low-flow drip irrigation in apples
A new Hortgro-funded study compares tree performance and root development in low- and ultra-low-flow drip-irrigated apples. By Engela Duvenage. Continuous…
Dwarfing rootstocks and water stress
Promising preliminary results from a Hortgro-funded study show that dwarfing rootstocks are not more susceptible to water stress than conventional…
Be realistic about water savings under nets
Nets protect apples from sun, hail, sleet, and wind. But do they reduce water use? Preliminary data suggests yes, but…
Water use in plums
A new study investigates water use in full-bearing Japanese plum orchards, and how water availability impacts fruit yield and quality.…
Orchard water use relates to leaf area
Control vegetative growth to improve the water-use efficiency of apple orchards. By Engela Duvenage. This is one of the conclusions…
The Water Research Commission
Ensuring that decisions about water are informed by science and technology. By Engela Duvenage. The Water Research Commission, which in…
Technology for irrigation scheduling
Growers have more — and better — options than ever before. What do they need to know to choose the…
Rising to the challenge
Ways in which growers can maintain productivity and profitability in spite of water scarcity. By Anna Mouton. Agronomist Siziphiwe Dinwa…
Water productivity in practice
Where should growers focus their attention to get the best returns on their irrigation water? By Anna Mouton. Danie Viljoen…
How much water do orchards use?
The analysis of water use commissioned by Hortgro provides an interesting perspective on evapotranspiration data for pome and stone fruit.…
How Hortgro helps with water
Stone- and pome-fruit growers need water — but so does everyone else. This is why water is high on the…