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202006 Fresh Quarterly Issue 9 12 Elke Crouch
Issue NineJune 2020

Elke Crouch

Currently a senior lecturer at Stellenbosch University, Dr Elke Crouch holds a doctorate in horticulture and has been affiliated with the Department of Horticultural Science since 2003. Truly passionate about her research field, Crouch loves every part of the job. The philosophy of finding and doing what you love, is her reality.

“I love working in the Department of Horticulture. Since the first day that I arrived, it felt like home. No day, month or year is the same,” she says. “I love thinking about where and how disorders originated. The best part is when the picture becomes clearer.”

While she enjoys working with the pack houses and their people, she also has a soft spot for her students. “They all make me think and keep me on my toes. Working with such a variety of personalities to achieve the same goal is amazing. I love seeing students develop into thought leaders and making such a big difference in the industry.”

Her free time is spent outdoors, slowing down, and living simply. This is the essence of life, she believes. “Live simply, make each day count, make a difference and let your values and integrity guide you in times of uncertainty.”

Image by Peartree Photography.

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