December 2023
Articles in this Issue
A daily decision
Two soil scientists share their take on irrigation scheduling and systems. By Anna Mouton. “Irrigation is critical, but it’s difficult…
Micro-irrigation at a glance
Systems and scheduling with drippers and micro-sprinklers. This article is based on technical information compiled by irrigation specialist Karen van…
Research rundown
A summary of Hortgro-funded research on water and irrigation. By Anna Mouton. Water scarcity was already a recognised risk in…
Strategic about water
Prof. Wiehann Steyn, General Manager of Hortgro Science, discusses how Hortgro takes a proactive approach to water. The primary aim…
Keeping clear of Day Zero
The 2015–2017 drought was a wake-up call for the Western Cape. We need a plan to prevent future water shortages.…
Insect pests in a warming world
What can science tell us about the likely impact of climate change on deciduous-fruit production? By Minette Karsten. Climate change…
Mitigating risks through strategic planning
Johan Kotze, Dutoit Agri Head: Eastern Cape, shares some insights and strategies to mitigate climate change. By Elise-Marie Steenkamp. Dutoit…
Disentangling nature and nurture
Researchers aim to understand how the interaction of genetics and environment drives tree performance. By Anna Mouton. An eight-year Hortgro-funded…
The Hortgro Climate Change Response Strategy
What do growers need to know? Summarised by Anna Mouton. A team led by Dr Stephanie Midgley, Specialist Scientist for…
Washington State feels the heat
How climate change is impacting pome-fruit growers. By Anna Mouton. Prof. Lee Kalcsits holds the Endowed Chair of Environmental Physiology…
Extreme is the new normal
How climate change and extreme weather are impacting growers in Italy. By Anna Mouton. Prof. Luca Corelli Grappadelli leads the…
Climate change FAQs
Your climate change questions answered. By Anna Mouton. 1. This winter saw excellent chill accumulation and heavy rainfall in the…
New but not normal
The year is 1822, and 54-year-old Joseph Fourier heads the French Academy of Sciences. Fourier had lived through the French…